Get unstuck so that you can fully experience everything you've been trying to get from therapy. working out. meditation. journaling. sobriety. yoga. breathwork. eating well. getting enough sleep. any self-care practice.

Befriending resistance allows us to take care of all of our needs so that we can actually get where we’ve been trying to go.

Without burning ourselves out.

This approach might be a good fit if you feel stuck around improving your health & well-being and:

You don't know why you can't (or won't) do what you know you “should.”

Whether you already know what works for you or you’re well aware of what your friends or insta-gurus recommend, you don’t totally get what gets in the way of you acting on it. When you try to talk about it, you get frustrated with people telling you to look up yet another guided meditation or recommending this yoga teacher or that breathing exercise. It’s not that you don’t know what could work. It’s that there seems to be a barrier with the follow-through.

You do (or have done) all the things and feel like you're still getting nowhere.

You’ve done the yoga, the therapy, the breathing exercises, or [insert health and wellness trend here]. And maybe they helped, but it didn’t last long or it hasn’t quite hit the spot for what you were looking for. Whether you seem to jump from one practice to another, only stick to them for a short time, or you’re incredibly consistent about your self-care efforts - you just haven’t seen the progress you felt was promised to you.

You're burnt out on doing all the things.

Many (if not all) of the things you’ve done have started to feel like chores. They are taking more energy than they are giving and you’re starting to wonder if it’s really worth all of the work.

You want to feel like you can trust yourself to do what you need to do for you.

You are tired of feeling like something is wrong with you, whether because it seems like you’re not able to do all the things or that the things you do aren’t “working.” You want to feel like you have choice around how to best take care of yourself (or be taken care of!) and to believe that you can and will do what you need to do for you.

Most importantly - you want tools and approaches you can apply to what you're already doing to take care of yourself, whether you're doing it alone or supported by someone (nutritionist, therapist, coach, personal trainer, etc.).

Individual Therapy & Coaching

If you feel that you have tried everything you thought might work for you and still find yourself stuck when it comes to improving your health & well-being, this is for you.

  • ✓ You are currently struggling with being stuck in your journey towards better health and well-being.

    ✓ You have already tried different approaches to getting unstuck.

    ✓ You want personalized support tailored specifically to your unique challenges with resistance.

    ✓ And you identify with the following challenges:

    → You don't know why you can't (or won't) do what you know you “should.”

    → You do (or have done) all the things and feel like you're still getting nowhere.

    → You're burnt out on doing all the things.

    → You want to feel like you can trust yourself to do what you need to do for you.

    → You want tools and approaches you can apply to what you're already doing to take care of yourself, whether you're doing it alone or supported by someone (therapist, coach, personal trainer, etc.).

    (If you’re still not sure if it’s a fit, read more about how these challenges can show up)

Self-Guided Offerings

The Resistance Roadmap for Seekers

In this experiential workshop, you will gain new perspectives that can be immediately applied to start getting yourself unstuck.

We will cover:

resistance as your ally in growth and change, not the problem

the different ways resistance shows up in us (and how to figure out if resistance is really the issue)

exercises to build self-awareness around your relationship to your own resistance and how it impacts your attempts to improve your health & well-being.


Get Unstuck: Befriending Resistance as the Way out of Stuckness

This five-module course is designed to support you in taking real, tangible steps to get unstuck in a particular area of your health and well-being journey.

It will support you to:

map out your stuckness to get clarity about what is actually going on behind the scenes

untagle and deepen your relationship with the judgement, resistance, and motivation that make up your stuckness

create an actionable plan to make real progress towards getting unstuck and finally feeling some movement

self-guided course (Currently running beta test)

"I loved Virginia’s workshop. I found her approach and the way she redefines resistance really helpful and supportive.

She speaks from her own experience and vulnerability, her why is obvious and to her credit she brings a lot of legitimacy to this topic based on the professional expertise she’s accumulated.

I appreciated how insightful the session was – there was a ton of information, she gave us prompts, tools and different ways to rethink and reframe how we view resistance with interactive exercises to further drive this home.”

-Julie Shui, coach & hypnotherapist

You're just trying to do the “right” or “healthy” thing, so why is it so hard? Especially when you know it's good for you?!

I know what it's like to do all the things and to still feel stuck on some fundamental level. I also know how that can lead to trying to get rid of or overcome what seems to be our resistance to the things we know we "should" do. I also know how all of this can lead to a sense of resignation and some version of the thought, "well, it just is what it is.”

Even worse, it can lead to the sense that something is wrong with us. If these things are so good, what’s my problem that they aren’t working for me?

But what if what we're experiencing as resistance isn't actually getting in the way of anything? What if it is actually showing us the way to creating the conditions we need to be able to get where we're trying to go?

What I propose is that resistance isn’t the problem at all. It’s actually a messanger, and it’s not just trying to tell us what we don’t want. If we can get some space from our self-judgement, our resistance can tell us something about what we do want. And it won’t stop until we get what it’s saying.

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